Reflecting Teaching and Learning

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 1: Creating My Blog

As this is my first time to create a blog, I found it a little bit hard and lost at first. However, with the help of the guidelines provided, I am able to create My Blog.
I am very much enthusiastic about blogging and as the course progresses, I will try and use the tools to make it more creative and attractive. In addition, once I get the hang of it, I will introduce it to my students. This will be a great way to reflect on our teaching and learning experience.



  1. Hi, Roza.

    I thought that I was the only one who had difficulties creating the blog.

    I usually tell my students not to be afraid of difficulties, but this time I myself was a bit confused. Then I remembered my magic words "Yes, I can" and everything went well.

  2. Fun blog, Roza.
    I know it is a bit hard at first, but it will be easier and easier the more you do it. And it is a valuable skill. Welcome to the world of blogging!

  3. Hello Roza,

    The first time I used and created my blog was so confusing and stressful for me. however, through practice you and your students will find the benefits of this tool in your classes.Anything new you find useful please share it with the class. I posted a video of instructions. but n from other participants. Congratulations for all this effort. I like your blog.


  4. Thank you all for your comments, Elmira, Robert and Yariela.
    I found some interesting websites and I have included them in the blog.
