Reflecting Teaching and Learning

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 4-Task: Create a technology-enhanced lesson plan

My Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Essay Writing
Lesson Author: Roza Ibrahim
Grade Level: Advanced Certificate Level
Subject Area: Study Skills
Time Allotted for the Lesson: 2 hours

Short Description of Lesson:
First, students draw a concept map on essay writing. Then watch a video on Steps in Essay writing. After that, in groups, analyze the topic given and research information from the internet, arrange the information gathered. Then, access the website ( provided by the teacher) which explains how to write introduction, body and conclusion and also list of transitional verbs. Then write the essay and upload to their class wiki or blog which is created earlier. Then each group should at least comment another group.

Classroom Layout and Grouping of Students: learning will take place inside and out of the classrooms. The classroom should have computers with internet at least one for each group and multimedia projector and speakers. After watching the video students have to be in groups of 4 and from there they work in that group.

State Curriculum Standards met in this lesson:
I considered Advanced Certificate level as grade 12 level (ESL) The following are the appropriate indicator(s) and standard) that are being met in this lesson.

W.2.7. Write stories that include coherent plot development, characterization and setting.
W.2.8 Write persuasive compositions that structure ideas and arguments in a logical way.
W.2.9 Write expository compositions that include a thesis and some points of support.
W.2.10 Write descriptive compositions that include a thesis and some points of support.

National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS•S) met in this lesson:

1.Demonstrate creativity and innovation
a.Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b.Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
2.Communicate and collaborate
a.Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
b.Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
c.Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.
3.Conduct research and use information
a.Plan strategies to guide inquiry.
b.Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
c.Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
4.Think critically, solve problems, and make decisions
a.Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
b.Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
c.Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
5.Use technology effectively and productively
a.Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
b.Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
c.Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
d.Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
6.Technology Operations and Concepts
a.Understand and use technology systems. b. select and use applications effectively and productively.

Instructional Objective(s):

1. The students of the study skills class (Audience), using their previous knowledge and with the help of the teacher (Condition) draw a concept map (Behavior) on essay writing with relevant six points (Degree) within the given ten minutes.

2. The students, in groups (Audience), discuss and analyze the topic given (Behavior) using their previous knowledge (Condition) and decide on three key words (Degree) which they will use to search for information.

3. The students, in groups (Audience), arrange and choose (Behavior) the information they have collected (Condition) to the appropriate part of the essay in the correct sequence to make sense and cohesive (Degree).

Materials and resources needed for this lesson.
1. White board and marker,
2. Study Skills study guide
3. paper and pen for writing
Technology resources needed for this lesson
1. Computer –one for each student/one for each group
2. Internet connection
3. multimedia projector
4. Speaker system
5. printer

Web Addresses needed for this lesson:
1.Daily Motion
3.Custom Essay.Org.

Student’s Present level of Performance and Knowledge: order to complete the lesson successfully, the students must have prior knowledge and experience in constructing grammatically correct sentence, writing paragraphs, writing introduction, body and conclusion, they should have learned the techniques of searching using the internet and researching for information.

Instructional Procedures
Lesson Set:
A game: Using DeBono’s thinking Hats.
•Information: (White) - considering purely what information is available, what are the facts?
•Emotions (Red) - instinctive gut reaction or statements of emotional feeling (but not any justification)
•Bad points judgment (Black) - logic applied to identifying flaws or barriers, seeking mismatch
•Good points judgment (Yellow) - logic applied to identifying benefits, seeking harmony
•Creativity (Green) - statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes
•Thinking (Blue) - thinking about thinking
Each student will be given a different coloured Hat and they have to discuss for a given topic. By wearing the Hats their thinking should be according to the colour eg. students with White hat only given the facts on the topic.

Techniques and Activities:
1.A game: DeBono’s thinking Hats.-Discussion- Student centered activity
2.Drawing a concept map- Student centered activity
3.analyzing the topic- Student centered and guided activity
4.Researching information- Student centered and guided activity.
5.writing and posting the essay on wiki or blog- Student centered and guided activity
6.Commenting or helping other groups to edit the writing- Student centered activity

Lesson Closure:
Discussion of the process for essay writing and the essays read to the class by the group.

Adaptations for Special Learners: It depends on what kind of special needs they have. Eg: for a student

Supplemental Activities: Extension and remediation:
For students who need more instruction/practice, easier topics could be given for them to practice at home and upload to the blog or class wiki.

Assessment/Evaluation: students will be assessed both formally and informally. Marks will not be given to the informal part (eg. DebonosThining Hat game). At the end of the lesson, students will be questioned about the process involved in essay writing and if most students can answer it will be considered as objectives achieved.
Formal assessment will be on the group essay.
Process in Essay writing(each step 1 mark up to 6 marks)
Topic analysis and information searching and group participation (marks can vary from 1-4)
Writing essay Content (4 marks)
Structure 2)
Grammar (2marks)
Spelling (2marks)
Total 20 marks

Students will be provided a written feedback through LMS or in class.

Student Products: A concept map and group essays.


  1. Hello Roza:
    Great to see your lesson plan. But don't you think it is too lengthy? What about making columns and rows with tags like topic, student activity, teacher activity, alloted time etc and than placing the instructions in the boxes, instead of giving description of them in a narrative form? Don't mind, just asking your suggestions in this regard.

    No doubt your plan resulted from a lot of thoughts on the topics you would teach.



  2. Hi Roza! Very nice lesson plan. I read it on nicenet too and I think you tried to explain every little detail of the steps you would take. It`s very nice for people who really need to go deep into your lesson in order to understand certain choices and principles behind. Zia suggested it is too lenghty, but I guess it is lenghthy because you wanted us to understand it all and if it were just your average lesson plan it would look more concise because you would have certain steps in mind.
    I`d like to thank you for adding some links to your plan, like the one from I am planning to work on writing with my final project and I suppose this site might help me with interesting information and activities! It is already in my bookmarks and Delicious(of course!)

  3. Hello Roza,

    I've read your lesson plan also in Nicenet. It's very nice the way you planned every stage in detail.

    Thank you for sharing different links,I've already checked It's a very organized link where can be found different exercises for different levels of English.


  4. Hello Roza,

    Thank you for sharing your lesson plan. It is great work which includes many details that I didn't even think about. I've learned many useful things from your lesson plan. Also thank you for sharing useful websites.

